Friday, July 23, 2010

Web links Page

I have created a web link page to advertise the websites I have been creating as part of my learning. My wiki has some information you may find useful for this course. I invite all followers to browse and pass comments.

Education with E-Learning

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


It is no longer a question of using Technology in education, but more a question of which one to use. PowerPoint is a relatively simple tool to use, but has many features the author can use to enhance the slides. As you learn more about the tool you are able to integrate more features and create attention-grabbing slides.
PowerPoint can be used to present lectures, but also as an assessment tool where students present their work to class.

They are very useful in on-line courses where students work independently and are able to view them at any time. They appeal to visual learners.

Some of the features I have used are:

• Shapes
• Colours
• Added pictures
• Templates
• Sound
• Automatic slides with audio
• Word art

Some examples of uses for PowerPoint’s are:

• Quizzes for example of flags
• Hand out sheets
• Presenting case studies
• Marking guides


Great new tool!

Try Google Reader - You will love it. It lists all the Blogs you are following. This will be excellent to use at school to keep track of all the students Blogs.

Thank you Google

Today’s digital immigrants.

Use this link to view a day in the life of a digital immigrant. It is funny and highlights how much we all incorporate technology into our lives from the time we open our eyes until we go to bed.

Technology thought for the day.

Today I had a look at some of the flex Blog sites. The pages are exquisite. They capture a good deal of creativity and talent. Viewing the Blogs is an effective means of sighting many student’s opinions or thoughts on a subject (tool).
ICT is a remarkable tool and with a little experimenting we are able to do so much. I continue to slowly explore and play around with the tools and am slowing developing skills I will be able to utilise in the future. ICT definitely has a place in education.

Vygotsky believed that children learn from knowledge and conceptual tools handed to them by the more intellectually advanced. Computers are scaffolds that provide prompts to guide learners to complete a given task. A simple example here is using Microsoft word where there are prompts to assist the writer with grammar and spelling.

Share your thoughts.

Ref: Snowman, Dobozy, Scevak, Bryer, Bartlett & Biehler. (2009). Psychology applied to teaching (1 st Ed.). Milton, Qld, Australia: John Wiley and Sons

Monday, July 19, 2010

Weebly website –my website

Websites are another appealing way for students to engage online in their studies. I found it more difficult to navigate. I would use websites more as an information page to the students with hyperlinks leading to other topics associated with their study. I think it can be very useful during orientation to a course of study for example a nursing diploma. I would use the page to help the students organise themselves by having time tables displayed and rosters indicating assessment due dates, text book ordering information and uniform descriptions. A link may be added to a page discussing tips on researching and referencing. Other links to consider would be: their assessments and descriptions of the assessments.  was a very useful resource for future learning managers. Many ICT tools were discussed and examples were given on their uses. This webpage had many hypertext links to open for more information. It was very simple to operate. Unlike a blog the information is not chronologically organised.

Examples I looked at had teachers using the website to forward information on classroom activities to the students. The students were able to do assessments, and then test links for further challenging activities. I encourage other learners to explore the link:, 2010

Wiki and Blogs spot the difference.

My wiki can be found at

Everyone can use a wiki, all you need in a computer and internet connection. They are used to share information, results and ideas. In education they have been used to track student’s comments relating to assignments and to converse with parents. Wiki’s can be used for free expression too. The usefulness of this tool depends on the user, how creative they are and what they hope to achieve by using this tool. Everyone viewing the wiki can comment and change information. 2006-2010 The Source for Learning, Inc.

Blogs are slightly different. Their content is chronologically organised and viewed and shared by many, but the owner controls the blog and adds info almost as one would to a diary. They are also used in education and often linked to a wiki.

The learning manager would need to profile their students and ensure that the students are familiar in using these tools. It may be necessary to run workshops as an introduction to these tools.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Digital Tools

Today I had fun discovering the use of digital tools. and Text2mindmap are uncomplicated to use and help arrange the knowledge straightforwardly. They may be useful in assignments. found at is an impressive tool for brainstorming and a little easier to use than Text2mindmap. I found I had to have the information in some order to use with Text2mindmap found at this link:
Both tools may use a spectrum of colours and the results are easily saved to ones computer. The tools are freely available on the net.

Learning Styles Result

Mindmap of week 1

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


New technology can be rather daunting for the digital immigrant and often difficult to incorporate into their daily activities while on the other hand digital natives engage successfully with technology. However, creating a professional blog address is straightforward and simple to accomplish and may be used in a variety of educational settings. There are several links to assist the blogger with designing and using blogs. One can easily see the benefits in education where students will be able to communicate with the author and share ideas about topics. This is very effective with the distance education too where a number of students converse often and they may never actually meet one another.
Blogs are useful for announcements or updates in the course of study. They are fun and relatively easy to use and accessible from anywhere. Learning managers need to engage their students and using this technology may assist them in holding the student’s attention in a more meaningful fashion. Students are able to write authentic and accurate information that is shared on a worldwide web. So in short students are reading and writing more and interacting and socialising with other students.