Monday, July 19, 2010

Wiki and Blogs spot the difference.

My wiki can be found at

Everyone can use a wiki, all you need in a computer and internet connection. They are used to share information, results and ideas. In education they have been used to track student’s comments relating to assignments and to converse with parents. Wiki’s can be used for free expression too. The usefulness of this tool depends on the user, how creative they are and what they hope to achieve by using this tool. Everyone viewing the wiki can comment and change information. 2006-2010 The Source for Learning, Inc.

Blogs are slightly different. Their content is chronologically organised and viewed and shared by many, but the owner controls the blog and adds info almost as one would to a diary. They are also used in education and often linked to a wiki.

The learning manager would need to profile their students and ensure that the students are familiar in using these tools. It may be necessary to run workshops as an introduction to these tools.

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