Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Technology thought for the day.

Today I had a look at some of the flex Blog sites. The pages are exquisite. They capture a good deal of creativity and talent. Viewing the Blogs is an effective means of sighting many student’s opinions or thoughts on a subject (tool).
ICT is a remarkable tool and with a little experimenting we are able to do so much. I continue to slowly explore and play around with the tools and am slowing developing skills I will be able to utilise in the future. ICT definitely has a place in education.

Vygotsky believed that children learn from knowledge and conceptual tools handed to them by the more intellectually advanced. Computers are scaffolds that provide prompts to guide learners to complete a given task. A simple example here is using Microsoft word where there are prompts to assist the writer with grammar and spelling.

Share your thoughts.

Ref: Snowman, Dobozy, Scevak, Bryer, Bartlett & Biehler. (2009). Psychology applied to teaching (1 st Ed.). Milton, Qld, Australia: John Wiley and Sons

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