Tuesday, July 20, 2010


It is no longer a question of using Technology in education, but more a question of which one to use. PowerPoint is a relatively simple tool to use, but has many features the author can use to enhance the slides. As you learn more about the tool you are able to integrate more features and create attention-grabbing slides.
PowerPoint can be used to present lectures, but also as an assessment tool where students present their work to class.

They are very useful in on-line courses where students work independently and are able to view them at any time. They appeal to visual learners.

Some of the features I have used are:

• Shapes
• Colours
• Added pictures
• Templates
• Sound
• Automatic slides with audio
• Word art

Some examples of uses for PowerPoint’s are:

• Quizzes for example of flags
• Hand out sheets
• Presenting case studies
• Marking guides


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