Monday, August 9, 2010

Advantages vs Disadvantages of Tools


Web 2.0 applications are engaging. They enhance the learning experience and allow students to test and experience tasks. The tools have guides for you to follow and show examples on how they may be utilised. Learning managers may use them to test students, for assessments and to encourage collaboration in group tasks. Some tools are mobile (podcast) and once downloaded students have the advantage of reviewing them at their discretion.


They may be expensive to use as students need computers and reliable Internet access. Some tools are more difficult than others to navigate and this may become frustrating to the user. The learning manager needs to be aware that the knowledge (information) taught is the focus and not the tool.


The learning manager needs to be familiar with the web tools available to the students and to be aware how they will assist in engaging the learner, creating higher order thinking, allow the student to be creative and how they will encourage collaboration in school.

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