Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Talking Characters by

Get a Voki now!


  1. Wow! Digital Immigrant, your blog looks really impressive! I like the background and format that you have chosen. It looks very professional and well organised. Elsa, I specifically came onto your blog to ask you about using 'voki'. I remember that you highly recommended it on the webconference a couple of weeks ago but I am having trouble registering for an account. How long did the notification take when you registered? I would have thought that this was a fairly straight forward and simple process. I have provided an email address, password and birth date as requested. I didn't fill out the other details because it said you didn't have to. If you have any suggestions or can tell me what I am doing wrong I would be very grateful! Thanks and again, well done on such a professional looking blog. (It looks like you have had lots of fun creating it!) Cheers, Anita

  2. Hi Anita,
    My registration came through within minutes. I had no trouble putting it together. The embedded code that you download is very long and must be added to blog at the HTML section of the new blog. Try again and let me know how you manage.

  3. Thanks for the lovely feed back, this is the first time I have had an assessment like this and although frustrating at times, I do see the value.

  4. Digital Immigrant, I think your Voki looks great. I just wanted to thank you for your help with my Voki. Your blog looks great and it is evident that you have put a great deal of effort into your blog.

  5. Surene,thanks for the feedback this is very encouraging.
