Monday, August 9, 2010

Talking birds.

Picture resize has been a tool that is so easy to use, once again three steps to follow then save the file and upload to your blog. A picture gives valuable information and encourages higher order of thinking among the learners. Students are proud to show off their pictures and discuss them with their peers which assists them in improving their communication. They can be used in an assessment to show the progress of an experiment. They are also valuable in setting the stage for introducing a new topic and getting the students to share their thoughts for example; explaining what the picture is telling them.

Images are also good to use for cueing students. In class I had a photo of a very busy operating room with lots of instruments and staff and then a quieter operating room with a doctor and nurse and very few instruments used. I asked the students what their thoughts were of working in such very different areas. This led to discussions on how the patients may feel too when they are wheeled into the operating room.


  1. Visuals are such a part of the digital natives world - a boring textbook just won't engage the new generation so anything that can be used to 'hook' them is worth a try! And how often do you get the message back about pictures being too large or not enough pixels etc etc etc!! It was great to have a reminder about this simple technology that then gives us access to great images to inspire with!

  2. Yes Barry I agree with you textbook learning can be boring and I am an avid reader. Pop a few interesting pictures in and it sure grabs the learners attention.
