Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Introducing topics to the class

Podomatic is a little more technical than a voki. The tool was easy to sign up to and the steps are relatively easy to follow, however it can be tricky to upload to your blog. It is useful to engage the visual and auditory learners as you include music, pictures and sound.

I listened to Eva’s blog’s podcast on making butterflies. She kept it simple, and straightforward to listen to.

The pluses of using podcast are that you can download the podcast and listen to it when you like – anywhere and anytime. So it may be handy for students to listen to the podcast when they are travelling. They may be downloaded onto an Iphone or Ipod. Learners may subscribe to podcasts and are able to follow and receive a range of information often for free.

The minuses are that the file format needs to be correct, large files need a broadband connection; dial up would not manage copyright issues and may become boring.

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